Answers To Many Common Water Well Questions
C&S Well Service is your source for quality water well and related system needs. We know that from time to time you may have questions about the operation of your water well system and we encourage you to call 850-832-4009 to inquire about why your system may be operating as it is, which may or may not be operating at it’s peak performance standards.

How Often Is My Pump Supposed To Run
If you have this question, it sounds as if you are concerned about the cycling of your water well system. With one phone call, we can listen to your concerns and guide you on the phone on some possible solutions if there is an issue. Otherwise, a service call will identify if there are issues and a prompt estimate will help direct our action. In some cases, it is all about how to balance, calibrate and adjust your system and sometimes we can coach you on the phone on what to do to resolve a problem in these regards.

What Is Chlorination
The general purpose of a shock disinfectant is to destroy bacterial contamination that is present in the water well system. C&S Well Service will chlorinate the water well from the top to bottom. For more details, please give us a call, at 850-832-4009.
Any Other Questions
There is not a silly or embarrassing question when it comes to water wells and water conditioning. We are here to field your questions with answers that you will understand. Our reputation has been established from helping clients going overboard to make sure they know the best route to achieve their water supply and water conditioning needs within budget. Please call, 850-832-4009 today with your questions or to discuss an immediate or future project.
My Well Pump Will Not Shut Off
There are 6 basic reasons why a jet-pump will not shut off, and there are 5 basic reasons why a submersible pump will not shut off. Those reasons for these 2 types of pumps could include the following:
- Jet-Pump issues include: Impellers are worn, a vacuum or pressure leak, your sand point is plugged, jet or venturi is plugged, faulty pressure switch, or the water table has dropped.
- Submersible Pump issues include: The pump is worn, the water table has dropped, there is a leak, intake is plugged or faulty pressure switch.
What Is A Drilled Water Well
A water drilled well consists of a specified size hole drilled into the ground with the upper part being lined with a casing. the purpose of the casing is to prevent the collapsing of the bore hole walls and prevent surface or subsurface contaminants from entering the water supply which could create serious system issues.
How Long Does A Water Well Pump Last
There are many factors which determine how long a water well pump will last. Some of those factors include the quality of the pump by the pump manufacturer. We use the highest quality of pumps from nationally recognized pump manufacturers to ensure a high level of performance for years to come.
How Old Is My Well & Pump System
Usually, within a short period of time we can help you determine the age of your well and pump system. We will only need a few bits of information from you to get the process started. Remember, there are quality differences between one pump manufacturer and another. For information on quality pump manufacturers, please call 850-832-4009 today for details.
What Is A Constant Pressure Well Pump
A constant pressure well pump operates with a variable frequency drive controller that automatically monitors your household water demand.